Georgia Center for the Book


Enjoy record­ings of our vir­tu­al and hybrid events and pro­grams on the Geor­gia Cen­ter for the Book’s YouTube channel.

From the Vault …

Pre­vi­ous Programming/​Partnerships

Geor­gia Lit­er­ary Festival

Described as Georgia’s Move­able Lit­er­ary Feast,” the fes­ti­val had its roots in Eaton­ton, Geor­gia, where the first fes­ti­val was held to hon­or Joel Chan­dler Har­ris, Flan­nery O’Connor, and Alice Walk­er on August 4 and 5, 2000. With the sup­port of the Geor­gia Human­i­ties Coun­cil, the GCB expand­ed the Geor­gia Lit­er­ary Fes­ti­val, and decid­ed that it should move from city to city around the state to high­light the authors from dif­fer­ent regions. Host cities includ­ed Augus­ta, Brunswick, Bain­bridge, Colum­bus, Macon, Milledgeville, Sautee-Nacoochee, and St. Simons Island. The last offi­cial Geor­gia Lit­er­ary Fes­ti­val was held in Augus­ta in 2015.

Let­ters About Literature

The Let­ters About Lit­er­a­ture pro­gram, spon­sored by the Library of Con­gress, con­clud­ed its 27th and final year with the 2018 – 2019 pro­gram. The Library is proud of the years it spon­sored Let­ters About Lit­er­a­ture, and Geor­gia was a proud par­tic­i­pant. This nation­al read­ing and writ­ing com­pe­ti­tion, which touched more than 1 mil­lion stu­dents, has been a source of much joy and inspi­ra­tion at the nation’s library. Infor­ma­tion about past win­ners of the com­pe­ti­tion is avail­able on the Library of Con­gress’s web­site.

The Stan­ley Lind­berg Award

The Stan­ley Lind­berg Award was pre­sent­ed bien­ni­al­ly (in oppo­site years from the Townsend Prize) and was named after the for­mer edi­tor of the Geor­gia Review from 1977 until his death. Lind­berg was nation­al­ly and inter­na­tion­al­ly rec­og­nized for trans­form­ing a good region­al lit­er­ary mag­a­zine into one of the best mag­a­zines of its time. He was the recip­i­ent of the first Governor’s Award in the Human­i­ties. The prize is cur­rent­ly not active.

The Savan­nah Children’s Book Festival 

The Savan­nah Children’s Book Fes­ti­val cel­e­brat­ed the joy of read­ing, the pow­er of the writ­ten word and the mag­ic of sto­ry­telling with award-win­ning children’s book authors and illus­tra­tors from around the coun­try. This free, day-long event brought fam­i­lies togeth­er to meet their favorite authors and illus­tra­tors and enjoy a vari­ety of hands-on activ­i­ties through­out the day. The final fes­ti­val was held in 2017.

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